Well, Cassadee Pope took the title of The Voice on December 18 and she seems pretty excited about it! As excited as a girl can be after already having had, and lost, a major-label record deal, being exposed to the cruel vicissitudes of fame and the fickle reality of your brief, gleaming moment in the spotlight. But all that comes later, because for now, she’s just the winner of The Voice, and she got to go on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno to talk about it! Which is every little girl’s dream, maybe.
And boy, was there a lot of ground covered. There was the subject of singing with Avril Lavigne (“She’s my idol,” which is like, sure, okay, but really?), Pope’s evolving fashion sense, her shift from rock into a more country-fied space (“I would like to mix pop-rock with country music,” she said, “I feel like these days they go hand-in-hand”), how loyal her fans are (“When they’re your fans, they really grab onto you”) and for a little additional quirky color, a story about how Blake Shelton pulled her out of a sticky situation when she really had to pee in front of a bunch of photographers.It was all very tidy and likable, which is probably all for the best. Let’s hope that Pope goes the way of Kelly Clarkson more than, um, Javier Colon. Watch up top.